Candles of Advent: Light

Advent Painting #5, Light
As you look at Brian Bailey’s rendition of a scene you’ve undoubtedly seen many times, listen to his own hopes for this painting:

“It reminds me of how quiet that night might have been when Christ was born. There is just this wonder with the red and blue sky… There is this quietness, this calmness about this piece that I love. I’m hoping that the viewer gets put in this scene as they look upon the colors and the textures and just be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas–Jesus coming to bring joy to the world, that we would now have a way to the Father, a way to heaven, and a relationship with Him.”

Can you use your imagination to picture yourself somewhere in this scene? What does it feel like, standing there in the snow under the starlight of a mysterious, calm sky? How does your mind process the miracle in front of you–God in the flesh, so vulnerable and small. What would you feel? Would you laugh with joy? Would you be moved to tears? Would you stand speechless?

And what would you be inclined to do in response? Would you sing? Would you bow? Would you run to spread the news? Would you frantically search for a gift to bring? Any of these responses would be completely appropriate. Many of them happened in the biblical story.

Now, in real life, can you find a way to respond in this way? Afterall, this is not an imaginary story–but a very real story that is still transforming lives today.

Take a moment to commit to finding a meaningful way to respond to this story. Spend time during this Christmas season doing whatever your love for Jesus inspires you to do: Sing! Bow down! Worship! Find someone to share this good news with! Give generous and thoughtful gifts!

Notice the source of light in this painting. A candle is lit, but it does not appear to be illuminating the scene. It’s the baby wrapped in cloth lighting up the faces, the snow, the tree, and even the sky.

Isaiah 9:2 says:
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness
a light has dawned.

The apostle John affirms that Jesus is indeed the light.

John 1:4-10
In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Take a moment to invite the light of Jesus into your life–making wrongs right, making a clear path through confusion, and leading you to the Truth.

We thank you Jesus for bringing light into our darkness and revealing yourself to us by coming into our world!

Candles of Advent: Light
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