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Displaying episodes 1 - 16 of 16 in total

Candles of Advent: Introduction

Welcome to the Candles of Advent Guided Prayer Experience, featuring artwork by local Cleveland artist and Grace Church member Brian Bailey. This audio-guided tour wil...

Candles of Advent: Hope

As you position yourself in front of the first painting entitled “Hope,”  look carefully at the image and think about what the word “hope” means to you.

Candles of Advent: Peace

The theme of peace saturates the biblical narrative of Christmas. As you look at the second painting, entitled “Peace,” listen to these scriptures that describe the pe...

Candles of Advent: Joy

As you look carefully at the third painting, Joy, ask the Holy Spirit to fill your heart with His joy–it is, afterall, a fruit of the Holy Spirit within you.

Candles of Advent: Love

As you look at painting number four, entitled “Love,” allow your eyes to scan the painting slowly, focusing on its details.

Candles of Advent: Light

As you look at this rendition of a scene you’ve undoubtedly seen many times, can you use your imagination to picture yourself somewhere in this scene? What does it fee...

Candles of Advent: Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to connect with the Lord through this guided prayer experience. We pray that this Christmas season is filled with the hope, peace, joy, l...

For All The World: Intro

Welcome to the 2024 GO Week Prayer Experience.As you enter this space, we hope that you sense the Lord drawing you deeper into His heart for the world. When Jesus was ...

For All The World: Dining Room Table

As you come to the dining room table, choose a seat, and sit down. Each placemat focuses on a different international worker, or missionary, who has been sent from Gra...

For All The World: Spices

As you sit at the table, pick up the different spices that represent spices from around the world. In 2nd Corinthians 2:15, the Apostle Paul says that, “We are to God ...

For All The World: Cup of Blessing

If someone else is at the table with you, we invite you to pick up the cup of blessing from the center of the table and hand it to another person, praying a blessing o...

For All The World: Diverse Fruit

In the center of the table, you can see diverse fruit from around the world. Just as God uniquely created every fruit differently, He creates people who are a beautifu...

For All The World: Salt

The salt shaker on the table is to remind us that Jesus called us “the salt of the earth.” Just as salt adds flavor to food, and preserves its nutritional value, God h...

For All The World: Menu

Take in your hand one of the menus on the table, and open it. Select a prayer from the menu, or write in the blank space anything that your soul craves for the Lord to...

For All The World: Windows

As you stand in front of one of the four windows, take a moment to focus outwardly on what God is doing around the world through our denominational family.  We are par...

For All The World: Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to pray for the nations! We know from James 5:16 that “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Your prayers make a h...

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